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Dear Cat Friends,

Greek Cat Care Foundation is a volunteer charity dedicated, to helping the street cats of  Greece since the end of 2010. Many street cats in Greece, urgently need our help. They live a very hard and dangerous and mostly very short, life.. A life that means a continuous battle to try to survive. Many become ill or wounded, many die of car accidents. Most kittens don't even make it to be a few weeks old.. One female cat and her babies, can grow to the number of 5000 cats in only four years!

This is why our work is very much needed. We try to help as many street cats as we can, by sterilisations, help to give sick and/or injured and weak cats and kittens shelter and care, veterinary treatments, and medications, providing food for struggling street cats and so on. 

You can participate in helping the street cats by buying some nice stuff from this webshop. The profit will go directly to the street cats of Greece. 

With affection and respect,

Reg nr: 51161532
Adress: Zusters van Orthenpoort 31
5211 ND Den Bosch
The Netherlands

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